I just heard that there is another Xena virtual season around so you may also want to check it out.

Happy news subtext lovers!!!!!!! There is another Xena Virtual Season, only this one is strictly dedicated to subtext,
so go and check it out!!!!

This is for you Gabby lovers!!! This other virtual season that I found revolves around Gabby's life after Xena's death. There
is NO Xena in this virtual season. So if you are ok with that check it out!!!

Xena fans never cease to amaze me. Do you have any idea of how much work developing a Virtual Season takes? Just the fact
that I keep finding new virtual seasons shows how devoted Xena fans truly are. There is another Xena Virtual Season, make
sure to check it out:

It's incredible, I just keep finding more and more virtual seasons!!!!! This is like the sixth virtual season I've found,
what can I say, Xena fans rock!!!!!! Check out ThE EternaL WarriorS Shrine of LegacY virtual season:

This is the seventh virtual season I've found, I really admire the people who take on the huge task of making a virtual season,
they're my heroes. Xena fans are the coolest people I know that's for sure. Check out this Xena Virtual Season on the Xenafight

I just found that there's another Xena Virtual Season,
a Russian one. Although I don't speak Russian and I don't undersand a word that's written there I'm gonna keep checking it
because it's gonna be in English and Spanish soon. So....check it out.
Russian Virtual Season---offline
I heard of yet another Xena Virtual Season and decided to add
it here. This one is more of a mini series and it relates Mel Pappas and Janice Convington's adventures after finding the
Xena scrolls. Check it out here:

An Eve oriented Virtual Season, or more of a Virtual Series. Pretty much everone
from the series is there. So check it out:

Eve is a completly original virtual spin-off series from Xena. It takes place
in Los Angeles, in the year 2002, where Eve herself is fighting the forces of evil, fans are soooo inventive!!! Check it out:

This is another Gabby oriented Virtual Season (or Virtual Series), with Eve,
Virgil, Ares and all the other usual guys from the show. No Xena in this one though. Check it out here:
Another Gabby series. It's nice to see how people
see Gabby's strength and want to write about her future adventures. I guess there's no Xena. If you're okay with that check
it out:
