Music Videos
Well, I love everything Xena, especially
music videos. That's why I decided to make my own. Although it is a lot of fun, it is a lot of work too. So I proudly present
you my music videos section. I hope you like it, feedback is greatly appreciated.
Bad news. The angelfire people deleted my account, so the
music videos site is down until further notice

Hi! It's been a while since I've had in mind making this
so... here it is. I hope you enjoy it. I think the slideshows are pretty good, but then again I made them, I have to say that.
You just have to see for yourself. Let me know what you think. You're going to need real player to view the presentations and winzip or a similar program ( I like Easy Zip) because they are all zipped. Once you download them you unzip the files wherever you want, and in order to view them you
go to the file named .smil. Enjoy!!

"Stronger" is a tribute to Xena's ass-kicking abilities.
Strong music, great performance by Britney Spears and a long display of images that show Xena's strength. My first slideshow,
I hope you like!!! it  "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman" shows Gabby's development
through the show. It contrasts the Gabrielle Xena met in Poteidaia with the one she left in Higuchi. Okay, so it's yet another
Britney song, but hey, I'm 16, I'm supposed to like her.
 "This I promise you" is a heartfelt tribute to Xena and Gabby's relationship.
I'm not crazy about subtext, but I like it so there's some of it there. My intention is being able to show the depth of their
relationship without really having to define it. I hope you like it.
Okay, I'm a Xena-Gabby fan, you
know, so all the sounds are Xena-Gabby related. These are mostly my favorite lines, especially from season six. But don't
worry, there's more to come, you know, other sounds that are not so Xena-Gabby related. All the files are zipped, so you'll
need something to unzip them. You can find the software here:
EasyZip 2000
or here:
Here are the sounds so enjoy!!!!!!
1. Remember how Xena didn't want
to teach Gabby how to put on the pinch? I mean, she taught her how to take the pinch off, but to put it on? Nooooooo. Until
"A Friend In Need", when Xena knew what was going to happen and finally gave up. Listen to this very, very, sweet moment between
Xena and Gabby:
Teaching "The Pinch"
2. Another sound from "A Friend
In Need"(2). In this one, we hear Gabby's reaction to finding out that Xena is dead:
Gabby founds out the truth
3. Here are the last words of the
series(AFIN(2)). Gabby is leaving Japa and Xena (her ghost of course) is with her. Listen to this beautiful exchange of words
between our favorite Warrior Princess and Battling Bard:
Parting words
4. In "Many Happy Returns" it is
Gabby's birthday, and Xena gives her a very special gift, a poem written by her favorite writer, Sappho. Listen to this beautiful
poem, read by Gabrielle:
The poem
5. Imagine that you were wounded
and you wanted to make sure that someone carried out your last wish. That's what happened to Gabrielle in "The Abyss". Wounded
by a bunch of cannibals, Gabrielle wants to make sure that Xena would carry out her last wish, to make sure that she was buried
with Xena and her family in Amphipolis when she died. Make sure to check it out:
Gabby's last wish
6. In season four's "The Ides of
March" Xena and Gabrielle are crucified by Romans. The following are their last words to each other. Allow you hearts to be
moved by this heartbreaking scene:
Xena and Gabby's crucifixions
7.Okay, check this out. There is
a reporter called Nigel (I got no clue of how he got there) who is trying to find a hot story on Xena. But guess what, one
of his hotter questions was directed to Xena and Gabrielle, "Are you two lovers?" Catch their hilarious answer here:
The big question from "You are there"
8. In the episode "Heart of Darkness"
all hell is breaking loose and evil is invading people's hearts and making them bad. Check out these hot lines from this hot
Evil is intoxicating, isn't it?
9. After finally being able to defeat
Hope Gabrielle's heart and soul are deeply wounded. Telling Xena that she has lost her way Xena consoles her by saying that
Gabrielle herself is her way. Allow you heart to be broken (again) with this heartbreaking lines from "A Family Affair":
Xena's way
10. Do you remember how Gabby used
to be? Well, she used to talk a lot, so for old times' sake listen to one of the arguments Gabby used to convince Xena to
take her in her journey:
Gabby's argument